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Topic 1: Balance between work & personal life
The first topic we have to analyse and doing research for is: What is the right balance between work and personal life?
Balance work/life: linked to theory
Keep balance between work, personal life
The Evolution
Life Balance Chart
The Imbalance of Life/Work Balance



Topic 2: Motivation techniques and change
The second topic we have to analyse and doing research for is: Motivation techniques and Change
Ask for advice
Maslows Hierarchyof Needs
Motivational techniques
5 ideas for driven employees
Number 1 motivation mistake
Finding Motivation to Make a Change
Leadership/Management by change
Motivation checklist
Motivation by Behavior Change
A Theory of Human Motivation
Managing change; motivating people

Karin Brabander
Sven Böning
Can Kusoglu
Simone Mortier
Dennis Roks
Dominique Thijssen

Life Balance Chart

7 Dimensions      3 Success Drivers

23:04:16 25 September 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Ask for advice

Het is niet zomaar dat u leidinggevende bent of zelfs verantwoordelijk bent voor de hele bedrijfsvoering van de organisatie. U weet veel, u heeft waarschijnlijk hard gestudeerd, u kunt snel beslissingen nemen, slecht weer gesprekken voeren, u bent analytisch, u kunt hard werken en u heeft hart voor het bedrijf.

Al deze kwaliteiten gingen ook op voor een 40-jarige CEO van een bedrijf met zo’n 300 medewerkers. Na zijn aanstelling was de omzet binnen twee jaar meer dan verdubbeld en het personeelsbestand enorm toegenomen. Hij raakte echter burnout en consulteerde mij. De reden voor zijn burnout was een enorme gedrevenheid en zijn overtuiging dat hij alles moest en hoorde te weten en als een alles wetende godheid (tenslotte had hij het bedrijf groot gemaakt) wilde functioneren.

Om het herstel van burnout in te zetten is met mijn methode Mind Tuning® over het algemeen een peulenschilletje en zo ook met hem. De derde en laatste sessie benutte ik om hem zijn valkuilen te leren inzien en om hem te leren op een vele malen prettigere wijze zijn taak weer op te pakken.

Zijn grootste probleem
Vanwege zijn overtuiging dat hij als directeur alles hoorde te weten en het een afgang vond om adviezen te vragen aan lager geplaatste medewerkers, moest hij op zijn tenen lopen. Zich in alles en nog wat verdiepen, wat lang niet altijd met de bedrijfsvoering te maken had. In zijn beleving was het iets onvoldoende weten een nederlaag tegenover zijn medewerkers. Zonder dat hij het door had was zijn hoofddoel in zijn bedrijfsvoering geworden: “het voor geen prijs willen afgaan”.

Het kon niet anders dan dat zijn medewerkers hem een eigenwijze klootzak vonden en dat de sfeer op het bedrijf verre van ideaal was. Ik confronteerde hem hiermee door te vragen: "Is jou wel eens opgevallen dat het altijd stil werd als jij een afdeling binnenliep?" Enigszins verbaasd moest hij hier bevestigend op antwoorden.

Ik gooide het over een andere boeg en ik vroeg hem: “Heb jij met jouw ervaring enkele marketingadviezen voor mijn trainingen Spreken in het Openbaar?" Met veel verve en plezier deed hij mij allerlei tips aan de hand. Ik wees hem op zijn spontane reactie en vroeg hem: "Vind je mij nou niet stom dat ik dat aan jou vraag?” “Nee helemaal niet, ik vind dat juist prettig want dat is iets waar ik graag over praat en verstand over heb,” gaf hij overtuigd als antwoord. Ik wees hem op het feit dat iedereen het prettig vindt wanneer om een advies wordt gevraagd. In feite geeft iemand jou een compliment en zegt: “Ik schat je kennis zo hoog in dat ik je mening hierover erg op prijs stel”.

Advies vragen
Aan uw secretaresse kunt u advies vragen over het cadeau dat u wilt kopen voor de verjaardag van uw vrouw of hoe een bepaald computer programma werkt of om de vertaling van een Engels woord dat u niet kent.
Aan mensen op de werkvloer kunt u persoonlijk vragen hoe dat of dat volgens hen beter kan. U kunt aan iemand van het managementteam vragen hoe u het beste een toespraak kunt houden wanneer u daar zelf moeite mee hebt.
U kunt aan een medewerker advies vragen hoe u een bepaalde klant die u persoonlijk nog niet ontmoet hebt, het beste kunt benaderen.
U kunt op de werkvloer aan een medewerker die marathons loopt vragen of deze looptraining adviezen voor u heeft.
Et cetera...

Medewerkers vinden het geweldig wanneer u als leidinggevende adviezen en meningen vraagt. U geeft ze daarmee complimenten waar ze als mens recht op hebben. Ze vinden u een geweldig mens en gaan u zien als leider. Ze zijn bereid om diep te gaan wanneer dat noodzakelijk is en de gesprekken zullen nooit meer verstommen wanneer u een afdeling binnenwandelt.

De beste motivatietechniek is: vraag uw medewerkers om adviezen en meningen van allerlei aard. De beste manager is niet de alles wetende maar de advies vragende manager.
12:13:23 10 Oktober 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Balance work/life: linked to theory

Topic. The balance between work and personal life


Referring to the article:

“Keep balance between work, personal life”, A CEO told the dokter his family had trouble dealing with his new function because he couldn’t keep the balance between work and personal life.


In the article:

“What to do to keep the balance”, several ideas and tips have been given to keep the relationship between the to as balanced as possible.


Now the question is;

Why is it so hard to keep the balance between work and personal life?”

The book “Organisation and management – Jos Marcus/ Nick van Dam” gives an answer in one of its chapters.


Emotional intelligence

First of all it has to do with the emotional intelligence of people. A general definition of the concept of emotional intelligence is ‘a series of non-cognitive capacities, competencies and skills that influence an individual’s success and his or her ability to meet demands and counter environmental pressure’. The five main EQ qualities are:

  1. Self-awareness; People with a high EQ are conscious of their feelings
  2. Emotional control; People with a high EQ are positive about their own qualities and are not easily dismissed
  3. Self-motivation; People with a high EQ are able to deal with things in the longer term.
  4. Empathy; People with a high EQ are good in interpreting the feelings of others.
  5. Social Skills; People with a high EQ can deal equally well with both familiar figures and strangers.

Emotional intelligence is an ability that exerts a big influence on every aspect of our functioning, and thus on personal and social success.


Overloading, stress and stress prevention and burnout

An employee is strongly psychologically influenced by experiences and events occurring during work. Work penetrates into the private lives and leisure activities of the employee. Negative emotions have an especially great influence on one’s private life. Employees who are not happy during work will often not be happy in their private lives either, regardless of how long they spend at home or on holidays.

Strikingly, while work-related emotions nearly always have an effect on one’s private life, the opposite is less likely to hold. During work, little thought is given to family or holidays, though major private problems may influence the quality of one’s work.



Overloading can take four different forms, namely:

  1. Emotional overloading; This factor has the biggest influence on private life. Concerns, problems and feelings of satisfaction or pleasure are taken home. The mood there is determined by the positive or negative experiences of the past working day.
  2. Psyical overloading; After a busy and strenuous day, the employee comes home tired. His/her only interest is in food, TV or sleeop. He/she does not have the physical strength or time for a lively private life.
  3. Attitude and behaviour overloading; The views and behaviour exhibited in the employee’s life are strongly related to social experiences during work. An employee with a job which requires much strength and has little space for showing feeling s will have trouble showing feelings of attachment and tenderness at home.
  4. Existencial overloading; People who are dissatisfied with their job will encounter psychological problems more than others. A failed career may cause a deep depression which extends to all aspects of life.


Long-term tension makes employees insensitive to events in their private lives and will diminish their ability to enjoy things when they are not at work. Emotional outlets such as feelings of enjoyment, sorrow, rage and pleasure are suppressed.



Stress is the main caus of overloading. A distinction can be made between stress as a condition and stress as apart and parcel of a processs. By stress as a condition we mean the psychological and physical situation that arises when demands are made of a person which he or she cannot satisfy. Process-related stress can be seen as the physical, psychological and social changes that are connected with stress as a condition.


Personality factors:

-          Effect-increasing factors such as excessive and aggressive fixation on the job and a need to alienate oneself from other people.

-          Effect-increasing factors such as good social contacts, self-confidence, flexibility and a good physical condition


Environmental factors:

-          Psychical working conditions

-          Ergonomic factors

-          Safety risks

-          Work and leisure times

-          Travel times and circumstances

-          Private circumstances


Not all stress is disastrous. Accoridng to Selye, a Canadian endocrinologist who made a lifetime study of stress, complete freedom from stress equates to death. A distinction also needs to be made between positive and negative stress, where positive stress may even strengthen the manager and invigorate him. Positive stress is also known as ‘positive tension’.


Stress at work is caused mainly by:

-          time pressure

-          long working days

-          too much work

-          personal relationships

-          employee quality

These are main reasons why it is so hard to keep the balance between work and personal life.


Now statements about this information:

-          What happens if employees give up on their strength and admit the overloading and stress?

o       What consequences does this have?

-          How can stress be prevented?



11:55:17 09 Oktober 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

What to do to keep the balance!?
10:45:54 09 Oktober 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Maslows Hierarchyof Needs

To motivate people, you need to fill in the the earlier fases.

12:04:18 26 September 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Keep balance between work, personal life

August 25, 2008

Dear Dr. Keller:

My wife has a difficult time accepting my position as CEO of a large company that was built by my father several years ago. She thinks that I love my work more than I do my family. I wish she could understand that the company needs me and that she has played an important role in my success. My company is suffering from the poor economy, which has placed greater demands on my time. This would be so much easier if I could be in two places at one time. I love her dearly and want to provide for our future, which is the role I see for the company. How can I manage it all?

Signed: Troubled CEO

Dear CEO:

Being in two places at one time is impossible. The real conflict resides inside of you. Where do you achieve your greatest satisfaction? Define what success means to you. Compare your success definition to the goals that are driving you now. If there is a great discrepancy, re-evaluate your goals, not your success definition. Defining success is something that most people never do because they start with organizing goals that lead them nowhere. Success can come in many different packages and sometimes is hard to recognize when we are staring it in the face. Begin looking at aspects in both areas of your life that are successful. Focus on what is working rather than what isn’t. When you expand what is possible you will attract the impossible.

It is a challenge when personal life expectations and career responsibilities are out of balance. The desire to satisfy both mounts by the minute because they are equally important and necessary to you. Your family and your company are not mutually exclusive. One supports the other, either figuratively or literally. Communicate your feelings and worries to your wife. Be clear about what is at stake and how you need her support now more than ever. It is easy to be supportive when things are going well, but real commitment is measured when things are tough. Letting someone know where

you are is the best way to avoid false assumptions that lead to wrong conclusions.

Dr. Karen J. Keller, syndicated columnist, is a master certified coach and clinical psychologist specializing in workplace issues, executive and business problem resolution and coaching. For master coaching advice, send questions to

11:10:41 26 September 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Motivational techniques
10:44:31 26 September 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

5 ideas for driven employees

The first few minutes of the workday can often be the most important minutes you`ll have as a employer with your employees.

Below are five quick and easy ideas that can help you give your people the jump start they need every morning before work begins.


1. Early arrival:

Arrive to work before or with your employees and let your actions demonstrate your dedication to the company and its objectives. If you expect the best from others you must expect the same from yourself.


2. Energy

Walk in with a spring in your step and a smile on your face and you'll spread the enthusiasm necessary for a productive workday.


3. Meet and greet

Begin the day by greeting your people, letting them know through your actions that you care about them and feel they are an important asset to the company.


4. Expectations

People need direction. They need to know where they are heading and why. As you greet your employees, let them know what results you expect to see at the end of the day.

10:40:42 26 September 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Number 1 motivation mistake
10:36:33 26 September 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Finding Motivation to Make a Change
10:32:42 26 September 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

Leadership/Management by change
10:29:44 26 September 2008 Permanente link Reacties (0)

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